SEO Landing Page - Web Application
This is my first project with front-end technologies. It's a landing page that related to SEO services. I learned concepts like usage of HTML and CSS, SASS structure, BEM methodology and pixel perfect design.
This is my first project with front-end technologies. It's a landing page that related to SEO services. I learned concepts like usage of HTML and CSS, SASS structure, BEM methodology and pixel perfect design.
It's a landing page creation platform with single page. I practiced HTML and CSS, SASS structure, BEM methodology, little bit of Bootstrap grid system, hover animations and pixel perfect design.
It's a multi-paged job-searching platform website. I learnt mobile-first design, component-based Modular CSS, reusability of page elements and layouts, the Bootstrap grid system, a deeper understanding of semantic HTML elements, responsive web design, and had experience working with multiple pages.
It's a game project based on the web browser. I learnt some basics of Javascript like manipulating the DOM elements, if else conditional statements, arrow functions and achieve some experience with basic algorithm patterns.